International researchers
Prof. Arvind Singhal
The Samuel Shirley and Edna Holt Marston Endowed Professor of Communication and Director of the Social Justice Initiative in the University of Texas, El Paso, Department of Communication. William J. Clinton Distinguished Fellow at the Clinton School of Public Service, Little Rock, Arkansas.
World-renowned expert in fields such as health communication, health education, health-promotion entertainment-education, development and evaluation of health promotion programs, peace and human rights, sustainable development, civic engagement, and democracy and governance.
Prof. William Fischer
The Department of Psychology and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of West Ontario, Canada.
World-renowned expert in conceptualizing and testing basic models of the psychological determinants of health behavior, including sexual and reproductive health, as well as self-care of diabetes.
Prof. Matthew Lee Smith, PhD, MPH, CHES, FAAHB
Department of Health Promotion and Behavior
College of Public Health
The University of Georgia
Athens, GA, USA
Recognizing health status is influenced by a vast and interconnected set of determinants, Dr. Matthew Lee Smith has devoted his career to create synergistic partnerships and initiatives to encourage positive lifestyles and reduce rates of preventable morbidity and mortality. He has earned an iternational reputation as a falls expert and evaluator of evidence-based programs for older adults. His involvement in local, state, and national evaluation initiatives have been integral to foster understanding about the reach, adoption, implementation, effectiveness, and maintenance of different evidence-based programs targeting key populations in a variety of community, school, workplace, and healthcare sectors. Dr. Smith’s evaluation efforts have been funded by organizations including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Administration on Aging (AoA), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). He is currently an assistant professor at The University of Georgia College of Public Health and adjunct assistant professor at the Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Public Health.
Prof. Karen Glanz
Professor of Epidemiology and Nursing and Director of the Center for Health Behavior Research at the University of Pennsylvania.
World-renowned expert in fields such as health promotion education, cancer prevention, and obesity and the built environment.